Saturday, March 7, 2009

Action Plan

Just a quick update on what we are going to on the JUA trip...

1.  Faneul Hall, Freedom Trail, Constitutions ( we are going to conduct street interviews while exploring the historical part of Boston)
2.  Interview at the hotel ( some some insight of the tourism issues)
3.  Travel Bureau ( Q and A)

During the class time we are going to analyze    the issues of the Globalization...  My argument is, Globalization is a major contributor of poverty...
Please think of some counter arguments for the discussion...

Any ideas, comments or suggestions, please comment on the blog.



  1. Nice - looks like a good schedule.

  2. It was a good time!!! So much fun I wish I was here longer. JUA was the greatest experience of my time at the New Hampton school

  3. JUA was fun and it was a good experience. We learned a lot and were able to gather some good information on our specific topic.

  4. Going to Harvard was a good experience.

  5. It was kind of cool/funny interviewing random people on t.he street

  6. This is a cool experience! From the JUA, we learnt more about the globalization. By working as a group, We did interview, we went to Harvard to talk with the students and teachers there... this experience will benefitial me in the rest of my life.

  7. We have learned so much from this experience! we learned how to work as a group to get around Boston. we wish it had been longer. We will remember this forever!!

  8. Nice job you all! It sounds like you have had a good experience. I am very curious to find out more about your trip by checking out your final project when it is done.

  9. We had a awesome time in Boston with lots of experience and did lots of different stuff. I wish we could stay longer and learn more about our topic.
